The Tschanun massacre in Zürich
Why the head of the architecture department shot four of his employees
[ original title: Die Bluttat im Zürcher Bauamt ]
Switzerland 2007, video, colour, 35 min.
Short version oft he film "leap day" of 1988 with some new material
On april 16, 1986 the head oft he Zürich public construction autority enters the building where he works and shoots in four offices four of his closest collaborators in the head. A fifth man is heavily wounded. He disapears before the police comes. Why did Günther Tschanun kill so brutally . Wha brought the 45-year-old archetect to such an incredible comportment? The trial, which takes place on the 29. February of 1988, a leap day, gives some clues.
The offender is free today and never comitted another crime. The film tells, what his deed meant tot he families and the collaborators oft he victims. But it also tells a story of inability and mobbing in the public service.
Director | Marianne Pletscher |
Script | Marianne Pletscher |
Photography | Werner Schneider |
Sound | Jörg Ziegler |
Editing | Susanne Wallimann |
Music | Ruth Bieri |
Duration | 35 min. |
Versions | schweizerdeutsch (SRF) hochdeutsch 3sat) |
Sales DVD/Video | ● Eduactional use SRF / Dokumentation und Archive Postfach, CH-8052 archiv@srf.ch ● For educational or commercial use Telepool GmbH Filmvertrieb Fernsehstrasse 1-4, CH-8052 telepool@telepool.ch +41 44 305 69 69 – Fax: +41 44 305 69 70 ● Information Marianne Pletscher info@mariannepletscher.ch |
Production | Schweizer Fernsehen SRF |
World Rights | Telepool GmbH Filmvertrieb Fernsehstrasse 1-4, 8052 Zürich Tel.+41 44 305 69 69 – Fax +41 44 305 69 70 telepool@telepool.ch |
TV broadcasts | 23.7.2007 und anschliessend vier Mal im Schweizer Fernsehen und in 3sat |
Literature | Journal21 zu Tschanun |
Press Review
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